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language family中文是什么意思

用"language family"造句"language family"怎么读"language family" in a sentence


  • 语系
  • 语言谱系
  • 语言系属分类
  • 语支
  • "language"中文翻译    n. 1.语言;(某民族,某国的)国语;语调,措词。 2 ...
  • "family"中文翻译    n. 1.家,家庭;〔集合词〕家庭成员,家属,子女;亲属 ...
  • "abstract family of language" 中文翻译 :    抽象语言族
  • "austronesian language family" 中文翻译 :    南岛语系
  • "common language family" 中文翻译 :    通用语言系列
  • "a family" 中文翻译 :    再续父女情
  • "and family" 中文翻译 :    妇女和家庭; 和家庭
  • "family" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.家,家庭;〔集合词〕家庭成员,家属,子女;亲属。 2.氏族,家族,亲族。 3.〔美国〕阁员,(特指国务部的)同僚;派别。 4.门第,家系;〔英国〕门阀,名门。 5.人种,种族,民族。 6.系;族;科;【语言学】语族。 7.〔美俚〕(黑手党等犯罪集团的)行动小组。 His family is an old one. 他的家庭是一个旧式家庭。 My family are all well. 我全家都好。 the President 's official family 〔美国〕总统的全体阁僚。 the Indo-European family 印欧语族。 the Teutonic family 条顿民族。 the chromium family 【化学】铬族。 the Kantian family 康德学派。 the cat family 【动物;动物学】猫科。 a happy family 1. 幸福家庭。 2. 相安无事处于同一牢笼的不同类动物。 in a family way 1. 像家人一样随便,不拘形式地。 2. 怀孕。 in the family way 〔美国〕怀孕。 of (good) family 出身门第很高的。 run in the family (性格特征等)为一家所共有,世代相传 (A gift for music runs in that family . 那一家人人有音乐天才)。 adj. 家庭的,家族的。 a family likeness 亲属之间的相似,隐约的相似。
  • "the family" 中文翻译 :    the family 绊无字幕; 论家庭; 雅思分类词汇; 一家人
  • "there is a family" 中文翻译 :    有一家人家
  • "a language" 中文翻译 :    译者的母语或者常用的语言
  • "language" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.语言;(某民族,某国的)国语;语调,措词。 2.(谈话者或作者所使用的)言语,语风,文风,文体。 3.专门用语,术语。 4.(动物的)叫声;(动作,手势等所表示的)表意语。 5.【自动化】机器代码 ( = machine language )。 6.〔俚语〕粗话,骂人的话;坏话。 7.态度,立场。 8.〔古语〕民族;某国国民。 a common language 共同的语言。 a dead language 死语言。 a foreign language 外国语。 a living language 活语言。 long language (与符号语言相对的)通用语言。 oral [spoken] language 口语。 the Chinese language 汉语。 written language 书面语。 high language 夸张的言词。 in his own language 按他自己的说法。 with a great command [an easy flow] of language 口若悬河。 legal language 法律用语。 medical language 医学用语。 parliamentary language 议会辞令;有礼貌的话。 the language of diplomacy 外交辞令。 the language of the science 科学用语。 finger [gesture, sign] language 手势语。 the language of flowers 花语〔如以 lily 象征纯洁等〕。 the language of the eyes 目语,眉目传情。 billing gate language = language of the fish-market 下流的粗话。 in strong language 用激烈的下流话。 use (bad [foul, warm]) language to sb. 谩骂某人。 in fourteen languages 〔美俚〕非常。 speak the same language 说共同的语言,信仰和观点相同。 language arts (中小学的)语言艺术学科。
  • "a family of scholars; a cultured family" 中文翻译 :    诗礼传家
  • "vengeance by family upon family" 中文翻译 :    血亲复仇
  • "a broken family" 中文翻译 :    破碎的家庭
  • "a closeknit family" 中文翻译 :    亲密家庭
  • "a confucius family" 中文翻译 :    阙里人家
  • "a decent family" 中文翻译 :    清白人家
  • "a drama family" 中文翻译 :    粉墨人家
  • "a family budget" 中文翻译 :    家庭预算
  • "a family christmas" 中文翻译 :    家庭圣诞节
  • "a family chronicle" 中文翻译 :    家庭纪事
  • "a family film" 中文翻译 :    适合全家大小一起看的电影
  • "a family for joe" 中文翻译 :    打工爷爷
  • "a family of five" 中文翻译 :    五口之家


  • English and chinese belong to different language families
  • The branch of the indo - european language family that consists only of greek
  • Common language family
  • A branch of the niger - congo language family , spoken in the upper niger river valley
  • A language family widely spread throughout the amazon river valley , coastal brazil , and northeast south america
  • Chinese and english belong to different language families , which consequently result in some differences in their essence
  • In the case where there is a word breaker for the language family , but not for the specific sub - language , the major language is used
  • Although chinese and english belong to two different language families respectively , noun - converted verbs are identified in both languages
  • I knew in england experienced teachers of english to speakers of asian languages belonging ( as do the languages of europe ) to the indo - european language family
  • Learning any foreign language takes a long time and a great deal of effort , but learning one that belongs to a different language family from your mother tongue is especially hard
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"language family"造句  


A language family is a group of languages related through descent from a common ancestor, called the proto-language of that family. The term 'family' comes from the tree model of language origination in historical linguistics, which makes use of a metaphor comparing languages to people in a biological family tree, or in a subsequent modification, to species in a phylogenetic tree of evolutionary taxonomy.
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